Why Every Business Needs a Mobile-Responsive Website in 2025
Rank Number 1 on Google
Achieving rank number 1 on Google can be a daunting task, given the sheer amount of competition from other websites across the web. In order to rank number 1 on Google, it is imperative to develop a search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy that will bring in high-quality organic traffic. This involves conducting keyword research, optimising meta titles and descriptions, freshening up content, creating internal links between webpages, obtaining backlinks from other reputable websites, and ensuring that pages are quick to load and mobile-friendly. By fine-tuning these SEO techniques and staying consistent with updates over time, businesses can adopt strategies that would help rank them at number 1 on Google.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and refers to different strategies used by webmasters and digital marketers to help their websites rank higher on search engine results. SEO typically consists of optimising content, creating backlinks, and utilising targeted keywords in order to boost a website’s visibility and make it easier for users to find the site through organic searches. SEO is essential for any website that wants to gain more traffic or increase its public visibility, as SEO can significantly help websites reach their target audiences. SEO is also incredibly cost-effective, making it an attractive option for small businesses who are trying to reach potential customers online.
What’s the best approach to begin with?
The first thing you need to do is ensure you have a website page based solely on the term you want to be found for, for example, Web Design. This page must have a strong amount of textual content and that content should include a link to one of your website pages and an external link, such as your Facebook page. A common mistake is thinking you must use the term you’re wanting to rank highly for over and over again…when in fact, you shouldn’t use it more than 3 or 4 times!
Don’t neglect your social media
Social media has become an important tool to help websites rank higher in search engine results through SEO. When a website links its social media accounts with their webpage, it gives search engines insight into how popular their website may be, and ultimately boosts its ranking. Additionally, social media profiles create necessary backlinks that show search engines that other social media platforms are talking about the website and linking to it. These factors can help improve visibility on search results pages, thus enhancing SEO performance. Ultimately, social media is an incredibly powerful tool for boosting SEO efforts—and given its low cost associated with leveraging social media platforms compared to other marketing channels, businesses should strongly consider taking advantage of utilising social media for SEO purposes.
Keyword research
Keyword research is a powerful tool when it comes to optimising content for search engine visibility. Keywords are terms people use to search for content, products, and services online. Keyword research involves using various strategies to identify the most relevant and appropriate keywords for your business. By finding popular keywords related to your industry, you can ensure that you’re using the best words for maximum success on search engine results pages. Keyword research can also help you identify popular questions related to your product or service, so you can create quality content around them and increase engagement from potential customers. Ultimately, keyword research provides invaluable insights into user search behavior which can help drive more traffic and leads to your website.
Still need a hand?
If you’d like some more information on SEO and how to achieve a higher ranking on Google please feel free to contact me, or, find me on Facebook.